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Australia Day Foods: What’s Safe and Unsafe for Dogs

21 January 2025

Australia Day is a time to gather with friends and family, enjoying classic Aussie dishes. If you’re a dog owner, it’s essential to be aware of which foods are safe for your canine companions and which should be kept out of their reach.
Here’s a short guide to help you celebrate while prioritising your dog’s safety.

Common Australia Day Foods and Their Safety for Dogs

1. Barbecued Meats: Grilled meats like sausages, steaks, and lamb cutlets are Australia Day staples. While plain, cooked meats without seasoning can be given to dogs in moderation, it’s best to avoid feeding them sausages or heavily seasoned meats due to high fat and salt content. If you want to treat your pooch, put a chicken breast on the grill for them or spare them an unseasoned sizzle steak. But, don’t hand them something that’s been marinated or seasoned and ensure it has time to cool before spoiling them with their holiday treat.
2. Prawns: Prawns are a popular snack during Australia Day celebrations and are mostly safe to share with pets, provided that they’ve been cooked and properly peeled as prawn shells can be a choking hazard or damaging to the oesophagus.
3. Salads and Vegetables: Salads are common side dishes. While some vegetables like carrots and cucumbers are safe for dogs, salads often contain ingredients like onions, garlic, or dressings that are harmful to dogs. It’s best to avoid giving your dog salad items unless you’re certain it’s safe.
4. Bread and Damper: Plain bread or damper can be given to dogs in small amounts, but avoid breads containing raisins, garlic, or onions.
5. Lamingtons and Pavlova: These desserts are Australian favourites but should be kept away from dogs. Chocolate, sugar, and certain fruits used in these desserts can be toxic to dogs.

Foods to Keep Away from Your Dogs

  • Chocolate: Contains theobromine, which is toxic to dogs.
  • Onions and Garlic: Can cause gastrointestinal irritation and red blood cell damage.
  • Alcohol: Even small amounts can be dangerous.
  • Grapes and Raisins: Can lead to kidney failure in dogs.
  • Fatty Foods: High-fat foods can cause pancreatitis.

Tips to Ensure Your Dog’s Safety During the Celebration

  • Keep Food Out of Reach: Place food on high tables or counters where your dog can’t access them.
  • Inform Guests: Let your guests know not to feed your dog any human food.
  • Provide Dog-Friendly Treats: Have some dog-safe treats on hand so your dog can enjoy the festivities too.
  • Create a Safe Space: Set up a comfortable area away from the food and commotion where your dog can relax.

Celebrate Australia Day with a Happy, Well-Behaved Dog

If your dog tends to struggle with food-related behaviours like begging, stealing from the table, or guarding food, Canine Evolution can help! Book a professional training session with us today and gain the tools you need to enjoy special occasions worry-free. Together, we’ll ensure your dog’s behaviour matches the joy of the day!

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